Ottawa Support Group Portal

Story Guidelines
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Submitting a Story to the Ottawa Support Group

The Three Guidelines

  1. Full names (both first and last) must not be mentioned in the submission.
  2. The submission describes the experience, and does not prescribe, or give medical advice to the reader.
  3. Doctors, specialists, etc. are referred to in general terms rather than by name, as this would oppose guideline 1. 

Before submission:

I have read the above guidelines and agree to such terms in my submission. If any of the guidelines are not met, I understand that my submission may not be posted on the website or revised to meet the guidelines and may be posted to website as a revised version of my original piece. Also, I understand that by submitting a story to the Ottawa Support Group that both spelling and grammer may be revised if necessary.


My Story Submission


If you have any questions or concerns about the submission of your story feel free to contact The Ottawa Support Group at